Dear Ecuador,
As our relationship matures, I feel that there are a few issues that have made themselves evident that warrant a frank yet sincere discussion. While we have only known each other four months, I feel that our lives are moving in different directions. Our parting was inevitable, and we both knew that when we first got together in August. I appreciate you taking on such a heavy relationship with a known expiration date- December 28th, 2008.
Nevertheless, I have a few issues that I would like to address with you. It has become apparent to me that you have let yourself fall into disrepair, neglecting even the most basic elements of personal hygiene, let alone personal safety. A few weeks ago I was walking down the street and came across a power line ready to keel over. It was apparent that the power pole had an untimely and unlucky meeting with a high speed automobile, but you failed to address the situation. At all. And now it poses a rather large safety risk for not only yourself, Ecuador, but to countless others.
Now I will admit, sometimes I invite your wrath. Out of the too many to count times that I have almost met my own untimely death with high speed automobiles while crossing the street, a few have been my fault. I failed to recognize the unwritten rule (or art, depending on who you ask) of jaywalking, and have stepped in front of high speed objects, like busses for example. I will give you that, Ecuador, I will give you that. BUT. Almost daily, I am honked at for crossing the street on a "walk" sign because some impatient driver wants to cross. I really thought you would have been more polite than that, Ecuador. I really did.
And lets not mention your rather strange choice of wardrobe....
But to each their own. I'm just saying......
But seriously, sometimes you really surprise me. Your positive aspects shine through like a ray of sunshine on a cold Ecuadorian winter day. Just as many times as I've almost been hit by a car, I have seen random acts of kindness that just make my heart melt. On crowded busses, where seats are prized possessions, younger patrons willingly give up their own seats to the elderly and injured. This act seems to be encoded into the cultural HTML code of Ecuadorian society, along with other traits such as drinking Pilsener beer or saying "cheverre" every five seconds.
Along with the random acts of politeness Ecuador, your hospitality never ceases to amaze me. Countless times I have been in a bar and had drinks purchased for me by that new Ecuadorian friend I just met. The discussion, while sometimes drunken and sloppy, is sincere.

And other times, I have met people from completely different backgrounds than myself, who's hospitality and warm acts of kindness brightened my day-
Not to mention your personality. That complex mix of your personal history, geographic location, and cultural make-up. You have a very engaging personality, Ecuador, you really do. I thoroughly enjoy your diversity, originality, and pride. You are host to many different ideas and socio-economic groups that seem to co-exist peacefully. Although you may have gone through a brief 10 year period of harsh military dictatorships, (which can be forgotten about) your modern history has shown much progress. You brag about cultural plurality, and rightfully so. I have learned a lot from you.
Nevertheless, my love affair with you had an expiration date. And that date is rapidly approaching. I understand that the following phrase, while loaded with double meanings and hidden messages, is not the most sincere or honest but-
It's not you, it's me.
Numerous times, I have passed way too harsh a judgment on you without trying to see it from your point of view. Too many times I have snapped at shop owners who failed to break my five dollar bill for a one dollar purchase. However, I failed to realize that you, Ecuador, have no control over your own minting because you use my country's money. I will own up to it, Ecuador, I have been too harsh on you and failed to try and empathize with your situation.
Other times, I have exploded over "Ecuadorian" basketball rules. I have always thought the hand was part of the ball, and physical play was an innate part of the game. You disagree with me. Instead of trying to find a happy medium, (not to mention the fact I was playing in Ecuador. And home court plays with home court rules) I acted childish, sometimes giving you legitimate reasons to call fouls on me. Sometimes the other person ended up on the floor and I almost ended up in a fight. And you still didn't leave me or give up on me. And for that, I am eternally indebted to you.
Okay, I will cut to the point. I have always appreciated your honesty, such as the times you so not subtly ask me to repeat something because of my thick gringo accent, or the other times you just outrightly correct my grammatical mistakes. So I will reciprocate the same-
I feel this relationship is not going anywhere productive
I have pretty much retreated from you, choosing to eat sub-par imitation hamburgers (no offense man but nobody can compete with In and Out) over your specialty, mote, empanadas or japingachos. I choose to read English news over your El Comercio, and am anxiously counting down the days until my mom arrives.
I feel disengaged with this relationship and feel that I am no longer willing to compromise. And that, to be frank, is not fair to you. At all. You deserve somebody who wants to love and nurture a relationship with you. Because you deserve it.
I am sorry, Ecuador.
But I feel this is for the best.
Best of luck in all your future endeavors and if you choose to never speak to me again, I understand. I hope that one day we can be friends and continue a life together.
With the utmost respect and admiration,